So here goes
For those who don't know much about me, i'm actually an inquisitive young woman with an insatiable quest for knowledge.
Graduated as an electronic and communications engineer but somehow I've found myself in the world of PR and global business. OK! yes I agree that they are quite opposites
My quest for engineering was borne out of my love for physics and further maths (maths mechanics). My thirst for PR was borne out of my love to talk lol. If i'm going to spend 23hrs a day on the phone, I might as well make money from it. The rest: the love to create, to think, to express my quirkiness, to help and most of all to keep learning.
Learning in the classroom, on the street, church, internet newspapers board meetings forums.......Name it, this girl just wants to lap up as much of the world as she can.
The downside to my quest for life was: I learnt never to take off my rose tinted glasses as I might not like what I'm truly going to see. So I wore them always with my infectious vivacious smile and no matter how little the water in the glass was, I always considered it somewhere along the way to being full.
Anyway enough of my babbling lets get to the point. Its a rare day when I can take off my rose tinted glasses and see the world for its real self not like butterflies in fairy land.
But I must say I recently took a trip to my homeland for a meeting with The Ondo State Directorate of Public Private Partnership. After my meetings I was taken on a tour around the capital and for once in a long time, I saw real butterflies.
I saw a state that was heading fast towards ultimate transformation. A state with a governing body that cares about the indigenes and their personal development. A state that believes empowering one individual can change the lives of a thousand. A state that believes every individual has a right to free education (the Awolowo way). A state that believes in quality healthcare. A state that believes in excellence and quality. A state that believes in engineering. Yipee!!!
infrastructural facilities of global standard. We are happy that we dreamt about this and
God has helped us to realise it".
Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State
Ondo State Mother and Child initiatives
“We took up with a promise to free the mind and that means we must invest in human capital development. From the beginning we knew we have to make a lot of investment in health sector. We started with the most vulnerable in the society: the kids and pregnant women.”
Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State
Akure Ultra Modern Mechanic Village
“Despite their critical role in the transportation industry and being a major part of the economy, mechanics have continued to litter the streets where they operate with inadequate space. “For so long, we have pretended that these people don’t matter whereas, they are much part of our everyday life.
“If these mechanics are a very important aspect of our socio-economic life, why has
government over the years pretended as if they don’t exist?”
Former Akure Nepa Market now A Caring Heart Shopping Mall
The Caring Heart Neighborhood Recreational Park, Ilula, Akure is one of the places for relaxation after work or during holidays. Facilities include a basketball court, volleyball, table-tennis, bar etc. It is located in the down-town area of the town and built with the purpose of quelling restiveness by dissipating energy in meaningful activities.
Above are just some of developments taking place in Ondo state. To read more click on the links at the bottom of this article.
Ondo State, although a microcosm of the Nigerian nation, is blessed with resourceful, industrious and hospitable people. Her crop of educated elite has led to its being classified as one of the most educationally advanced states in Nigeria.
So in conclusion I learnt more about the blood that flows through my veins.
Why engineering? Check
Why inquisitiveness? Check
Quest for learning? Check
Wanting to help make others stand? Check
In my opinion, beauty, brains and a great heart can only mean a sunshine state of mind. So here goes. Her Vivaciousness solemnly declares she is a full fledged Ondo babe. I rep the sunshine state. Ise loogun ise.
Wishing you Vivacious sunshine always
Miss Vivacity
NB: Yeah l'm half Benin too but I will tell you that story another day.
Ondo State Goverment:
VISION: “To make Ondo State the best administered state in Nigeria and the cynosure of all eyes; of which all its citizens shall be proud; where equity, justice and fairness shall be the driving forces of Government action”
MISSION: “To mobilize the people of Ondo State to harness all our God-given resources, create and use wealth for the ends of individual happiness, collective fulfilment, and peaceful cohabitation in an environment of transparent and honest leadership”
POLICY THRUST: To accelerate the pace of industrial development through efficient distribution and development of human, mineral, water, agricultural and forest resources in the state.
Read more Ondo State A CARING HEART agenda here
Read more on The Magical transformation of Ondo State here
This is an intresting blog that you have posted, you shares a lot of things about Public Relations Agency, Reputation Management and Healthcare PR. Which are very informative for
nice update you got her