"I am not perfect. In fact I am far from perfect. I make mistakes and I make a lot of mistakes. There is always room for improvement in my life. I am work in progress."
How many of us can truly say the above, mean it and most of all act it?
You all know me guys I'm not one for propaganda and idle criticism but today we are going to address a touchy subject. Its touchy because it deals with the YOU that you know you are, not who I see you as or who anyone else sees you as but that sneaky feeling deep down.
Do you have a “holier than thou” attitude?
It is said that these people are especially people that come off as “spiritual” or are the ones that are professing “love and peace”. They can never admit they are not perfect. Is this you?

These people tend always find faults in others and will make it seem as if you had committed the worst crime over something incredibly benign. They tend to always add that they have a degree in psychology or law, and an x number of years of experience in a particular field to back up their argument. These people always find an excuse to say you have the problem and they don’t.

And the most amusing part about these people is that they may actually the LEAST perfect of all! They are the ones that are the most insecure and unhappy, are heavily in denial, and needless to say they have a lot of inner work to do! They are the ones who need to take a good look in the mirror and realize that they are anything but “holier than thou”. I would think that deep down they know that, or maybe not. They may have trained themselves to believe their own “truths” or rather lies for so long they really do believe they are perfect.
This article is NOT to criticize anyone but just to make each of us take a quiet look into our lives, actions, reactions, thoughts etc and answer the questions
"What type of person am I and how can I be better?"
Truth is you don't have to share the answers with anyone, just implement your best correction process.
The information below is about Christians but personally I think its kinda true about people in general regardless your religion.
Here we go:-
The editors at Online Christian Colleges thought they'd poke a little fun at themselves and put together an infographic that explores the different ways most people see Christians. Doing this was eye opening because scripture says that as Christians we are supposed to be known by our love, but many of the common stereotypes are about as far away from that ideal as possible.
Take a look at nineteen typical types of Christians to see if you fit or break the mold and share....
From: Online Christian Colleges
"Jesus Is My BFF"
- Teenagers who think Christianity is trendy- Can be spotted wearing "WWJD" bracelets, "Jesus Is My Homeboy" t-shirts, etc.
- May profess their faith, but not practice it or know much about it
- Favorites: Justin Bieber, Twilight, Christian rock/rap
True Heroes
- Focused on benefits of religion, good will and humanitarianism rather than debate, disapproval and antagonism- Seek equality, happiness and prosperity for all
- This belief may sometimes take precedence over strict, literal biblical adherence
- Often martyrs--willing to die for what they believe in
- Examples/Inspirations: Martin Luther King, Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Right-Wing Zealots
- Some overlap with Haters and Reactives- May participate in The Tea Party
- Actively opposed to liberalism, atheism, and all that comes with it
- Notables: Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck
Punk Rockers for Christ
- Often wear tattoos- Aim to dispel the myth that Christians must be plain, simple, quiet
- Express themselves through appearance and music
- May attend skate church--a freeform, youth-focused, progressive church
- Notables: Steven Baldwin, MxPx, Good Charlotte, Tooth and Nail Records
- Open to theological/world view debate- Can be more open minded and tolerant of other religions
- May read RELEVANT (a fittingly intellectual Christian publication)
- Take their studies seriously
- Often well-traveled--may have engaged in studies abroad, especially in Europe
- May point to passages of Matthew and Mark, wherein Jesus asks, "Have you not read...?" "Do you not yet perceive or understand?"
- Favorite authors/scholars: CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Alvin Plantinga
Holier Than Thous
- Draw attention to their faith through public displays of faith- Publicly declare moral accomplishments that are rare (e.g. virginity through marriage)
- May believe they are spiritually superior to their peers
- May then believe their views are more important/correct
- May judge others based on their own moral compass
- Run the risk of hypocrisy
- Notables: NFL player Tim Tebow (his praying on the field inspired the verb "Tebowing"--to pray on one knee when no one else is)
Serving the Poor
- Work to correct humanity's wrongdoings- Often sacrifice own comforts for the benefit of others
- Belief in public service/doing God's will
- May work in shelters, soup kitchens, missionary services, Peace Corps, or similar organizations
- Inspirations: Jesus, Mother Theresa, Shane Claiborne
- Reminisce about the "good old days" (the '50s)- May still wear antiquated hairstyles/clothing from said era
- Don't understand the modern, crass incarnations of Christians
- Favorites: Leave it to Beaver, piping hot dinner at 6:00 sharp, pies cooling on the windowsill
- Poets, painters, musicians, writers, designers- Channel God/spirituality through creative endeavors
- Taste in art often changes over time
- Choice of books may be dictated by cover art/typography
- Overt religious implications are usually avoided in favor of unique and subversive expressions of faith
- May dress in layers, with lots of draping, scarves, long tops, leggings... and the more vintage, the better
Salt of the Earth
- Try to lead simple lives- Have less need for material wealth
- May indeed disassociate from all cultures of excess; may be Amish, Mennonite
- Primary interest is personal fulfillment/holiness
- No focus on admonishing others
- Avid fans of precious/delicate art with Christian undertones- Scenery, happy families, children, etc.
- Mantles, living room and hallways may be decorate extensively with such art
- Favorite Artists/Collections: Thomas Kinkade, Precious Moments
- FYI, Kinkade has a history of fraud and a DUI arrest... so don't believe everything you see
- Old Catholic ladies never seen without rosaries, saints around their necks- May strongly adhere to myths related to mother's backs and black cats
- May do well to remember the First Commandment, and that carrying superstitions indicates a lack of trust in God
- Blind, unquestioning faith, which may be professed more than practiced- Favor faith over logic in all cases
- Keep a crucifix on the wall--it may be the only decoration in the house
- Probably have not read the Bible
- Those who try to market Christianity as a good/service- Healers, psychics, etc.
- Notables: Benny Hinn, Sylvia Browne, Steve Martin as Jonas Nightingale in Leap of Faith
- Nearly opposite of Salt of the Earth- Insist that others must hear and share their views
- Just as Holier Than Thous believe they are spiritually superior, Moralizers believe they're socially/morally superior
- May associate with Holier Than Thous, Reactives and Right-Wing Zealots
- Respond to those they disagree with with disdain and hatred- Make people feel judged
- Define themselves in opposition to some movement or group (anti-government, anti-evolution, etc.)- Focused on eliminating what they perceive to be false teachings/schools of thought
- May support removal of evolution from public school curriculum (as fact, at least)
- May in turn support Texas' mission to replace evolutionary theory with creationism in textbooks
- Arguments in favor of their own opinions may take a backseat to the quest to prove conflicting viewpoints wrong
- Christian because, hey, everyone else around them is- Attend church only on significant holidays (Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas)
- Memorize a few biblical verses to recite them at strategic times
- May wear crosses for fashion rather than faith
- Considerable room for overlap with the other types
Doubting Thomases
- Question their faith- From the disciple Thomas (Didymus), who did not believe Jesus had risen from the dead
- He insisted he must see Jesus and his wounds before he would believe
- Modern version: The former Christian who has become agnostic but is still open minded about Christianity
- Want to believe, but sometimes find themselves unable
- May find that science or other Doubting Thomases are holding them back from full faith
OH! just before I go let me hint you that if you went through the document in its entirety then that's just awesome, you are well on your way. If you spent most time trying to classify your friends, family, colleagues etc. Then read the whole article again because it not about me or them its about YOU
Awesome blog over here! Thanks for sharing
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